# The Holy Grail of Layout In this last flexbox exercise you're going to recreate an incredibly common website layout. It is so common that it is often called the [holy-grail](https://www.google.com/search?q=holy+grail+layout&tbm=isch&sclient=img) layout.... and with flexbox it is actually pretty easy to pull off. As with the previous exercise, we've left a little more for you to do. ### Hints - You will need to change the flex-direction to push the footer down. - You will need to add some divs as containers to get things to line up correctly. - `flex-wrap` will help get the cards aligned correctly. ## Desired outcome ![desired outcome](./desired-outcome.png) The number of cards lined up in that section will change based on the width of your screen, so don't stress about getting _exactly_ a 3x3 grid. on a smaller screen it will look like this: ![smaller](./desired-outcome-smaller.png) ### Self Check - Header text is size 32px, weight 900 - Header text is vertically centered and 16px from the edge of the screen. - Footer is pushed to bottom of screen (footer may go _below_ the bottom of the screen if the content of the 'cards' section overflows and/or if your screen is shorter) - Footer text is centered horizontally and vertically. - Sidebar and cards take up all available space above the footer. - Sidebar is 300px wide (i.e. it doesn't shrink) - Sidebar links are size 24px, white and do not have the underline text decoration. - Sidebar has 16px padding. - There is 32px padding around the 'cards' section - Cards are arranged horizontally, but wrap to multiple lines when they run out of room on the page