//This File Contains the Challenges Answers for this Course //Challeng - 1 let massMark = 78; let heightMark = 1.69; let massJohn = 92; let heightJohn = 1.93; let BMIMark = (78/(1.69*1.69)); let BMIJohn = (92/(1.93*1.93)); console.log(BMIMark); console.log(BMIJohn); //bonus let markHigherBMI =(BMIMark>BMIJohn); console.log(markHigherBMI); //Challenge 2 if(BMIJohn>BMIMark) { console.log(`John's BMI (${BMIJohn}) is higher than Mark's (${BMIMark})!`); } else{ console.log(`Mark's BMI (${BMIMark}) is higher than John's (${BMIJohn})!`); } //Challemge 3 /* Write your code below. Good luck! 🙂 */ const scoreDolphins =(96+108+89)/3; const scoreKoalas =(88+91+110)/3; console.log(scoreDolphins,scoreKoalas); if(scoreDolphins>scoreKoalas) { console.log("Dolphins win the trophy"); } else if(scoreKoalas>scoreDolphins) { console.log("Koalas win the trophy"); } else if(scoreDolphins===scoreKoalas) { console.log("Both win the trophy"); } //Challenge 3 // in if and else statements const bill = 430; let total; if(bill>=50 && bill<=300) { tip=0.15*bill; total=tip+bill; console.log(`The bill was ${bill}, the tip was ${tip}, and the total value ${total} . `); } else{ tip=0.20*bill; total=tip+bill; console.log(`The bill was ${bill}, the tip was ${tip}, and the total value ${total} . `); } // in ternary Operator // const bill = 275; const tip = bill >= 50 && bill <= 300 ? bill * 0.15 : bill * 0.2; console.log(`The bill was ${bill}, the tip was ${tip}, and the total value ${total}`);