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CSS Exercises Contributing Guide

Thank you for expressing interest in contributing to our CSS exercises! Please be sure to read this guide thoroughly before contributing, as it will lessen the chances of any issues arising during the process.

Please do not open a pull request (PR) with your solutions to any exercises in this repo. Your PR will be immediately closed without being merged. The exercises are for you to do and keep on your own local machine or your personal GitHub.

Table of Contents

Label Meanings

The labels that get applied to issues and PRs have specific meanings and are broken into two categories: status and type. An issue/PR should only ever have one status label, but can have multiple type labels.

Status Labels

  • Abandoned: This issue/PR has been abandoned, and no further work or review should be done
  • Accepted: This PR has been accepted and merged
  • Awaiting Changes: Waiting for requested changes to be made
  • Awaiting Response: Waiting for a response from the contributor
  • Completed: This issue has been completed and a PR has been made
  • Do Not Merge: This PR should not be merged
  • Do Not Review: This PR should not be reviewed
  • Help Wanted: Contributors can ask to be assigned this issue
  • In Progress: This issue/PR is actively being worked on
  • Invalid: The template or another item in the issue/PR is invalid or not relevant
  • Investigating: Something is being looked into by a maintainer, but the issue/PR is not being actively reviewed
  • Needs Review: This PR needs a review from one or more maintainers
  • On Hold: There is a temporary hold on any continued work or review
  • Under Review: This issue/PR is actively being reviewed by at least one maintainer

Type Labels

  • Accessibility: Involves an accessibility feature or requires review for accessibility
  • Bug: Something isn't working as intended
  • Chore: Involves changes to the build process or internal tooling
  • Documentation: Involves an update to the documentation
  • Duplicate: This issue/PR already exists and should not be worked on or reviewed
  • Enhancement: Involves a new feature or enhancement request
  • Good First Issue: Good for beginner contributors
  • Hacktoberfest: This issue is a good Hacktoberfest participation
  • Maintainer Only: This issue is available only to maintainers

How to Contribute

Being Assigned an Issue

If you would like to work on an existing issue in the repo:

  1. Find an issue that is not currently assigned to anyone.

  2. Ask to be assigned the issue by a maintainer.

    • If you are not a maintainer, do not give others permission to work on an issue
  3. Wait to be assigned the issue before starting any work.

  4. After being assigned, address each item listed in the acceptance criteria.

    • If there are no acceptance criteria stated in the issue, ask the maintainer that assigned you the issue if any exist.

Creating an Issue

If you would like to make a small change (fixing a typo, updating a link, etc.) that is not part of an existing issue, you are welcome to make the change and submit a PR without creating an official issue.

If you do not wish to make a small change yourself and instead want to create an issue for it, or if you would like to propose a more significant change:

  1. Go through the open issues and make sure an issue doesn't already exist.

    • If the issue already exists, but there are details you feel are missing, leave a comment on the already opened issue
  2. If the issue doesn't already exist, create a new one and read the issue template in its entirety and fill out all applicable sections.

    • The title of the issue should be in file/exercise/folder: brief description of issue format. This makes it easier for anyone to quickly see what an issue is for, reducing the possibility of a duplicate issue from being made.
    • If you would like to be assigned the issue you are creating, complete the applicable checkbox in the issue template. Note that this does not guarantee that you will be assigned the issue, but rather it lets maintainers know that you are interested.

Setting Up Your Local Clone

Before you begin working on anything, be sure you follow these steps in order to set up a clone on your local machine:

  1. Fork this repo to your own GitHub account. If you don't know how to do so, follow the GitHub documentation on how to fork a repo.

  2. Clone this repo to your local machine with one of the following commands, replacing the <your username> text with your actual GitHub username:

    # If you have SSH set up with Git
    git clone git@github.com:<your username>/css-exercises.git
    # Otherwise for HTTPS
    git clone https://github.com/<your username>/css-exercises.git
  3. cd into the directory of your local clone, then set the upstream remote so you can keep your local clone synced with TOP's original repo:

    # If you have SSH set up with Git
    git remote add upstream git@github.com:TheOdinProject/css-exercises.git
    # Otherwise for HTTPS
    git remote add upstream https://github.com/TheOdinProject/css-exercises.git

Working on an Issue

Once you have the repo forked and cloned, and the upstream remote has been set, you can begin working on your issue:

  1. Create a new branch, replacing the <your branch name> with an actual branch name, e.g. "flex_exercises":

    git checkout -b <your branch name>
  2. Add commits as you work on your issue, replacing the <your commit message> text with your actual commit message:

    git commit -m "<your commit message>"
  3. Sync your work with the upstream remote every so often. Follow the ongoing workflow section in our Using Git in the Real World lesson.

  4. Push your branch to your forked repo, replacing the <your branch name> with the branch you've been working on locally:

    git push origin <your branch name>
  5. Preview your proposed changes by locally opening any applicable HTML files (or using VS Code's Live Server extension). If the preview matches the existing "Desired Outcome" image(s) for the exercise, continue to open a pull request. Otherwise, update any images in your local clone and commit + push those changes before opening a pull request.

Opening a Pull Request

  1. After pushing your changes, go to your forked repo on GitHub and click the "Compare & pull request" button. If you have multiples of this button, be sure you click the one for the correct branch.

    • If you don't see this button, you can click the branch dropdown menu and then select the branch you just pushed from your local clone:

      GitHub branch dropdown menu

    • Once you have switched to the correct branch on GitHub, click the "Contribute" dropdown and then click the "Open pull request" button.

  2. Read the PR template in its entirety and fill out all applicable sections before submitting your PR.

    • The title of the PR should be in file/exercise/folder: brief description of change format, e.g. 01 flex center: add hint for XYZ. This makes it easier for anyone to quickly see what a PR is for, reducing the possibility of a duplicate PR from being made.
    • Be sure you describe the change(s) you are proposing in more detail in Step 1 of the PR template. If the PR is not related to an open issue, you should also include why your proposed changes are beneficial or what problem(s) it solves.
    • If the PR is related to an open issue, be sure to link that issue in Step 2 of the PR template by replacing the XXXXX with the issue number, e.g. Closes #2013
  3. At this point a maintainer will either leave general comments, request changes, or approve and merge your PR.

    • It is important to respond to any comments or requested changes in a timely manner, otherwise your PR may be closed without being merged due to inactivity.

    • After pushing any requested changes to the branch you opened the PR with, be sure to re-request a review from the maintainer that requested those changes at the top of the right sidebar:

      Reviewers section of GitHub's sidebar

Further Help

Please let us know if you require any further help with any of the steps in this guide in our Discord's contribution-suggestions channel.